Letting Go... The Franciscan Challenge

Fortune Cookie

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Some time ago while breaking open a fortune cookie, I received a “fortune” that was rather surprising. The words on the paper read: “God looks after you in a special way.” Never had I seen a fortune that referred to God or to any aspect of Christianity. Yet, there it was. Was that “fortune” a coincidence, or was that truly a message from the Lord? I believe it was the latter. God was trying to get my attention, and God succeeded. That is one “fortune” I have kept in my scripture book, and one that continues to make a difference in my life!

At times when fear tries to slither its way into my mind, or anxiety attempts to throw me into a tizzy or worry about a problem, thinking about the words, “God looks after you in a special way,” has a way of quieting me down and bringing a sense of calmness that nothing else can. After all, God has looked after me in the past and is certainly taking care of me now. Why could I possibly worry that God will drop me like a hot potato as the future continues to unfold? It is just not going to happen! 

So, I invite you to share in my special “fortune.”  When the future looms at its darkest, and it’s almost impossible to see even a glimmer of light, always remember: “God looks after you in a special way!”

Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

Letting Go of "Stressing Out"

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Every six months when I see my oncologist, she always asks me if I allow myself to get stressed out. She reminds that stress is a risk factor for cancer. I can say my Franciscan Challenge is letting go of “stressing out.”  I jumpstart my day with praying, “O Jesus, I surrender myself totally to you. I ask you to please take care of everything” Surrender Prayer. I give all my concerns to Jesus, and I don’t take them back. I know He has my back. In Matthew 6: 25-27, Jesus addresses the uselessness of worry and reminds us how valuable we are to our heavenly Father. My mantra throughout the day is the closing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, “Jesus, I trust in you.”