During Lent we hear what I consider to be the top three gospel stories that focus on conversion. The stories are the woman at the well, the curing of the blind man and the raising of Lazarus. All three speak of the power of Jesus to heal spirit and body. The questions that are asked and the responses Jesus gives cause us to pause and ponder. The woman says she is seeking water, and Jesus declares, “I am the living water.” The man desires to see, and Jesus gives sight as He declares, “I am the light of the world”. Martha complains that her brother has died, and Jesus says that he is only asleep and declares that He is the Life. Our Franciscan way is a way of continual conversion. These three stories help us to continually ask the questions:
- For what do I thirst?
- What are my blind spots; what do I need to see?
- What is dead in me that needs to awaken to the call of Christ?
If you thirst, Jesus has living water to quench your thirst and set you free. If you are blind, Jesu has light so that you may see clearly. If your spirit is dead, Jesus is the resurrection and the life and thus the source of hope. These three questions can aid us as we prepare to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation this Lenten season. These three responses from Jesus are gifts beyond measure for a healthy, spiritual life.
Drink of His living water and remember your own baptism. Open your eyes and rejoice in the light. Come out of the tomb, be untied from whatever binds you and live your life to the fullest. The Scriptures are rich in truth, in comfort and in challenge. Dwell with them as a way to live our Franciscan value of conversion and experience the peace that awaits you.