With Franciscan Eyes

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An Invitation To Be A Tender Heart

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“Heart of Jesus burning with love for us, enflame our Hearts with love for you.”

We pray this every night at Evening Praise, and it struck me the other day how we have been using the words “burning,” “love,” and “enflame” at least 365 times a year for many years in our community. Valentine’s Day will be here soon—a day that speaks so much about LOVE. As FSSH, we could be nicknamed “Franciscan Sisters of LOVE” or “Loving Hearts.” The love of our lives is the Sacred Heart whose heart is truly tender. The quote about having a tender heart speaks of this as the key to feeling the beat of all the other hearts. When you reflect on that, it is awe-inspiring. Love should emit from every fiber of our being to the community, the world, and the cosmos as our Mandatum states. When you think about Jesus’ tender heart on fire with love for us, picture Jesus tenderly holding a lamb in his arms, but replace the lamb with yourself. This is not just love but burning with love. Anything that burns is consumed by the flames. Jesus consumes us with love, and we consume Jesus lovingly in the Eucharist. We are truly blessed as we receive the Eucharist. Our hearts become enflamed with love for God and all of God’s creatures and creation. We invite you all to journey with us, whether as Sister, Associate, volunteer, friend, or neighbor. Together we can be Loving Hearts to a weary world in need of hope.

When Valentine’s Day comes, it is a good time to reflect on God hugging and blessing you with graces to go out tenderly to the community, world, and cosmos. Feel the beat of all other hearts and all that is within them. Hug them with your prayers!

Franciscan Ways of Kindness

In this month centered on love, not only do we have Valentine’s Day but National Random Acts of Kindness Week is just around the corner, too, February 14-20. As followers of St. Francis, we have many examples of random acts of kindness to inspire us to do more works of neighborly love that will transform an ordinary day into one lived in the spirit of Saints Francis and Clare. For instance, you may have heard the story of Francis and the leper. Before his conversion, Francis would have turned and run in the opposite direction as the disease was much feared. Lepers were ostracized and "untouchable." Francis wrote in his Testament, “When I was in sin, the sight of lepers nauseated me beyond measure; but then God himself led me into their company, and I had pity on them. When I became acquainted with them, what had previously nauseated me became the source of spiritual and physical consolation for me.”

God’s love for Francis and, in turn, his love for God transformed him. Francis got off his horse and, in that moment, with God's love pouring into his heart and soul, he kissed the leper in a beautiful act of brotherly love and acceptance and then gave him money. When he got back on his horse to leave, he looked around and saw no one and came to believe it was Jesus whom he had just embraced. It was the beginning of his ministry to a nearby leper colony.

Another time Francis asked those who were able if they would give him their coat. This allowed the donors of the coats to respond in the moment with their own random act of kindness, for we all are called to give of ourselves in various and no less important ways. Francis then gave each coat to the next poor person he met. Francis loved God so much, his kindness overflowed, blessing all he encountered. As Franciscans, doing random acts of kindness should be in our blood streams. Jesus tells us, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8) Like Francis, we can grow into this kind of love as we more eagerly seek God.

Who in your path is kept on the margins of your community--either ignored, excluded, neglected, scorned, feared, or treated rudely and unjustly? In what ways, big or small can you acknowledge their humanity and their identity as children of God? How might your kindness begin a transformation in them and in you? It does not always take a grand gesture. Eye contact and a smile can be an act of kindness in a world where most people's attention is glued to their cell phone. If these children of God are not in your path, is it time that you take a road less traveled and encounter them there? Is this how you might become Jesus' hands and feet? 

Image by Allegany Art

Your Turn!

It is time we share our stories and encourage one another! Have you ever done a random act of kindness, received one, or paid it forward? Have you ever listened to someone who needed to talk on a plane or train or sitting in a doctor’s waiting room (when you would rather sleep or listen to a podcast)--and then were surprised it was you who was blessed by the conversation? Share your story of an unusual random act of kindness that you did or were blessed with or witnessed. We may then share your story to bless others with it. 

To Share your Story


Holding on to Hope

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“The New Year is a painting not yet painted; a path not yet stepped on; a wing not yet taken off!
Things haven’t happened as yet! Remember that you are blessed with the ability to reshape your life!”

―Mehmet Murat Ildan

This is a powerful quote comparing the New Year to a painting, a path, and a wing. As I reflected on this, it brought to mind what will happen under the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the Chapter. Hopefully, our painting will be a masterpiece, our path will become known, and our wings will allow us to fly into our future! God is good and as scary as the unknown future and reshaping our life can be, God is with us throughout our painting, path finding and taking off, all in God’s name.

Every New Year begins with the hope that it will be better than the year before and as the year goes on that hope seems to wax and wane like the moon. It does not have to happen that way. We need to remember God is with and within us This gives us the grace to let go of our concerns and let God be in charge. Our entire world needs to choose this path to put an end to war, hunger, poverty, hatred, etc. It needs to be mindful of God’s love and care for us. In 1965 there was a song that was not only appropriate back then, but for the present and future!  Remember “What the World Needs Now”? The song begins: “What the world needs now is love, sweet love… It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.” Other words in the song address the Lord saying we don’t need any more mountains, or rivers, etc. but what we need is LOVE. May we be God’s instruments of love in our wounded world!

