Finding Strength in Life's Knots

Boy scouts can rattle off the types and manner of tying all sorts of knots. Even though we may not have their knowledge and expertise, we do have experience with knots. Think about the tangles in your hair, about thread knotting just as it is being pulled through a stitch, or the twisted mess resulting from the washing machine weaving clothes together. However, there is an altogether different category of knots in life. Consider one’s losing a position, confronting an angry individual, getting a traffic ticket, running into a brick wall of discrimination, realizing one’s mortality, moving to an undesired location, dealing with unfairness, or becoming aware of a lump in one’s body. Those knots can really tie us up!
The question “why?” such knots appear in life is often asked. Sister Joan Chittister believes that such a question is foolish, brings no resolution, and that there are more important questions. “The fact is that it is not what happens but what I do about it, and how I deal with it, that counts. The answer to, "Why did God do this to me?" may simply be so that I could become more than I was before it happened.” Sister also said, while quoting the mystic Rumi, that, “Under every agonizing, painful, irritating, worrisome thing… is the blessing that needs to be discovered….”
Sometimes we need the binoculars of time in order to appropriately distance ourselves so that we can discern what has knocked us off our feet. We need a long view in order to see the knots clearly, to appreciate the unknown blessings we have received, and especially to remove the disguises that hid them from view in the first place.
What are some of the disguised undesired blessings that have come your way? How have you grown because of them?